Thursday, August 18, 2011


This time I can really say I have been off everything!!

I have appeared in Ultratumba Webzine page 36 number 7, but right now I am lazy to upload it...

I have done lots of things but I don't even know what to say or where to start, I can't put a whole month in one page, or I tell in detail or I just say four things in one paragraph...

I have been in Madrid the whole summer and I will not leave it probably, I could have gone to the northern Spain, which I love, but for personal reasons I prefered to stay here in Madrid standing the heat. I had three shoots, but I can only show here the pics from one of them: the first one was a drawer who just takes pictures for the ideas to copy and modify in his art; the second one wants a sophisticated manipulation which it's taking some time, and the third one, the one who took the pics I'm gonna show here, was a guy who studied with my sister.

The shoot with the artist was not very complicated because the pictures are not to be seen; the second one... was painful xD This guy hung me from the ceiling to make a flowing effect on the pic, but the ties hurt hella.

Someone who likes my pictures, called Isaak wrote me a poem in Spanish, here I show you.

Dama de Metal Infernal

En la amplitud de la oscuridad universal

una montaña y un bosque que se incendian

y miles de demonios tu silueta asedian

por ser tú, la renovada maravilla celestial

Tu mirada contiene fuegos sagrados infernales,

llamas deliciosas que nuevas almas asesinan,

siniestras luces rojas que hasta al oro calcinan;

pues así es la bella dama de ojos sobrenaturales.

Que se entregue el alma docilmente al fuego

y la dama oscura venga y libere la tormenta

los volcanes se extingan ante su vida sedienta

y que la tierra gima ante aquel nocturno juego

Preciosa e infernal hada, sumergenos en el abismo

ahoguémonos en tus endemoniadas miradas

en tu espectro, vástago de nocturnas hadas

ante el vacío en que está el infierno mismo

Eres un infierno celestial,

un sueño de tortura y sangre,

una oscuridad alegre,

una caricia letal.

And well, as an end, I'll show you a Wardruna song, I really like it.

All of my pics in this post are by Arroyo.